Native to eastern China, Japan and Korea, Multiflora Rose (Rosa multiflora Thunb. ex Murrwas int) was introduced to the U.S. from Japan in 1866, as rootstock for grafted ornamental rose cultivars.It subsequently has been promoted as a means to prevent soil erosion, as wild habitat, and for highway median plantings. Currently, mulitflora rose is found in 41 states. It is classed among the top forest invasive plant species for the northeastern area by the US Forest Service (from The NY Invasive Species Clearing House).
The NY Invasive Species Clearing House (CCE Invasive Species Program) provides information on biology and identification, impacts, prevention and control, additional resources and links to educational materials.
Invasive Plant Atlas of New England website has images, similar species, management options and additional links for the Multiflora Rose, that are all related to New England and the northeast.
Penn State Extension website discusses identification, method of spread, mechanical control, suggested herbicides, and biological controls. They also have prepared a fact sheet on 'Managing Multiflora Rose' hosted on the Natural Resources Conservation Service/USDA website.
USDA Plant Profiles provides background information, video clips, several maps of U.S. distribution, and links to selected federal, state and regional resources.
Last updated September 21, 2023