Hydrilla Libary
This collection of resources on hydrilla links to key information such as webinars, press releases and documents on aquatic plant management. Links to many of the items can also be found in context on the other hydrilla webpages. Some file sizes are quite large and large file sizes are usually noted.
Monoecious Hydrilla - A Review of the Literature provides a comprehensive overview of published research done on monoecious hydrilla, which is the biotype found in New York. The Appendix includes the abstracts from each article cited in the paper. The source of the review is the New York Invasive Species Information.
Hydrilla Hunt Webinar (7/16/2013), featuring Scott Kishbaugh (NYSDEC), Bob Johnson (Racine-Johnson Aquatic Ecologists), Greg Sargis (The Nature Conservancy), and Meg Wilkinson (Natural Heritage Program). Topics include how to identify hydrilla, how to survey for hydrilla, and how to report findings of hydrilla. View supporting materials for this webinar such as: hydrilla identification tips, hydrilla surveying form, description of rake toss method, webinar presentation charts, additional charts and information, and iMap training.
Travels with Hydrilla: The Unnatural History of an Accidental Invader by Michael W. Fincham, The Chesapeake Quarterly/Maryland Sea Grant. Details the introduction of hydrilla to the U.S. and its rapid spread.
Last updated April 29, 2022