
Tree Care

Considering maintenance is essential for your trees to live a healthy life, grow strong and be safe for their environment. Trees don’t need you to be there every single day for them but every other time they require proper care for them to flourish and to prevent diseases, pests, and future problems.

 Trees can benefit from regular maintenance, it is important to follow the proper maintenance or you can risk doing permanent damage in your trees.

A tree is a company that can be for long time in your life, and with the right care it can be there for future generations. They bring more than shade, fruits, wood and texture to your landscape, trees are the lungs of the planet and, also, a reminder of our connection with our environment and this place called Earth, let’s plant a tree and take care of it!


Cristian Acosta
Agriculture Educator - Master Gardener Volunteer Coordinator
585-268-7644 ext 14

Last updated August 26, 2022