In order to safely and effectively control insect pests or plant diseases you first need to be able to accurately identify what you have. While many broad spectrum herbicides or pesticides may be labeled for a long list of plant issues, if not applied at the correct stage or in the correct amount you will be throwing money away and creating a negative impact on the environment. Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is the best approach to balancing protection of your plants in an environmentally friendly way. Many of your questions can be answered at your local CCE office in Belmont. If you are unsure what insect or plant you have, we can assist with Insect/Plant Identification; fee is $10.00 per sample.
We also provide soil pH test for lawns, gardens, pastures or crop fields; fee is $3.00 per sample. If you are looking for a more detailed soil analysis, we will assist you in completing and submitting samples to Agro-One for $20.00 per sample. If you are unsure how to collect a soil sample please contact our offices. Samples that are not properly collected or handled will impact the accuracy of the test. Once you receive your test results from Agro-One, we can assist you in interpretation and application needs for soil amendments.
During the growing season, we can also assist producers with any hay, grain, or forage testing needs. The Belmont office can conduct forage or grain moisture testing that is needed during the growing season, especially during corn silage harvest in the fall. Nutrient analysis of hay, forage, and grains can also be submitted to Dairy One through both offices. Results for these tests are usually given the next day after Dairy One receives samples via email, and hard copies versions will arrive within a few days after testing. Be sure to contact the offices before bringing a forage sample, so that the appropriate staff person can be available to test or submit your samples.
If we are unable to address pest and disease questions locally, samples can be submitted to the Cornell University Lab. Diagnostic fees range from $40-$80 and include shipping cost. Services are available for vegetables, trees, annual and perennial plants, mushrooms, and turf. For more complete details please contact Lynn Bliven at 268-7644 ext. 18 or Cristian Acosta at 268-7644 ext. 14.
Lynn Bliven
Ag & Natural Resources Issue Leader
585-268-7644 ext 18
Last updated July 30, 2024