Your dream career in farming is going great. Except for the weather, uncooperative neighbors, a non-communicative family member, and the occasional livestock or plant-growing issue… Yes, farming is stressful. There are many things out of your control and your farm is also your lifestyle, so it is hard to leave the stress at the office. However, you can implement some key strategies to make farming less stressful.
Financial topics will include: record-keeping systems (paper to electronic) and financial document organizing tips. Join Ginny Carlberg, Financial Consultant and Teresa McMahon, Family Consultant from NY FarmNet, who will share ideas and tips for communication techniques, risk management, self-care and much more.
There is no fee to attend however pre-registration is requested by February 21 to plan for lunch and materials. Please call or email Lynn Bliven to reserve your spot. This class will be discussion-style and relaxed, so please bring your questions and ideas!
Lynn Bliven
Ag & Natural Resources Issue Leader
585-268-7644 ext 18
5435A County Road 48
Belmont, NY 14813
Last updated December 6, 2019